Holy Trinity Nine Days Novena

Complete 9 Days Novena to the Holy Trinity
Day 2


"This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased"



By Andy Carter

Come and worship, royal priesthood.
Come and praise Him, Holy nation.
Worship Jesus our Redeemer.
He is precious, King of glory.
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!
Worship Jesus our Redeemer.
He is precious, King of glory.

(Repeat all)


(Jn. 1,1-5)

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through Him, and without Him nothing came to be. What came to be through Him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


At the Baptism of Jesus and Transfiguration, the Father’s words were heard: “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased, listen to Him”: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not die but have eternal life.”; “So that all who will honor the Son in the same way as they honor the Father. Who does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent Him.” (Jn. 5,23)


I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third day, He rose again. He ascended into Heaven, and seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.


Litany to the Most Holy Trinity

Leader: God the Father of Heaven,
All: * Have mercy on us!

: God the Son, Redeemer of the world, *
: God the Holy Spirit, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, one God, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, the Undivided Unity, the greatest of all mysteries, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, the Holiest of all the Holy, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, the source of all blessings and glory, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, the true God and only God, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, glorious in Your majesty, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, Almighty and Eternal God Holy Trinity, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, the most glorious of all names, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, who dwells in my soul, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, the most powerful of all, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, the most worthy of all praise, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, King and Center of all hearts, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, enriching all who invoke Thee, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, fountain of life and holiness, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, source of all consolation, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, hope of all who die in Thee, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, delight of all the Saints, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, the Holiest and most sublime, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, Yours be the kingdom power and might, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, who reigns in the highest Heavens, *
: O Most Holy Trinity, Eternal Triune God whom earth and heaven adore, *

Leader: Let us pray.

All: O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the mighty and the Most Powerful in heaven and on earth, grant complete renewal and transformation of all the people in the world. May the salvation and unity of all mankind be achieved, that there will be only one voice in proclaiming You power and wisdom, Your honor and glory for all eternity. Amen.

“Bishops represent God the Father to the priests, the religious and the laity as his flock.”

“Consecration is to God alone.”

“The Holy Father the Pope also represents God the Father to the whole Church.”

“Husbands also represent God the Father in their families.”

“Religious Vows are made to the Blessed Trinity.”

“Religious Life is the ante-room before the throne of the Blessed Trinity.”

Divine Praises to the Most Holy Trinity

All: Blessed be God in His Majesty
: Blessed be the Most Holy Trinity, the Undivided Unity
: Blessed be the Most Merciful Trinity
: Blessed be the Most Loving Trinity
: Blessed be the Holiest of all the Holy
: Blessed be the Undivided Trinity
: Blessed be the Three Divine Persons in One God
: Blessed be the true God and only God
: Blessed be the Almighty Goodness united in the Three Divine Persons
: Blessed be God the Father Almighty
: Blessed be Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son
: Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete
: Blessed be the Almighty and Eternal God
: Blessed be His Holy Name
: Blessed be the glorious of all names
: Blessed be His Glorious Majesty, the Great Lord One in Three
: Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints.

Adorer’s Prayer

(Taught by the Angel of God to the three children at Fatima)

O my God, I believe, I adore, I hope, I love Thee!
I ask pardon for those who do not believe, nor adore, nor hope, nor love Thee.
O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly!
I offer Thee the Most Precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ,
Present in all the Tabernacles of the world,
for the outrages, sacrileges, and indifference committed against Thee
in which He Himself is offended. Amen.


Amazing Grace

By John Newton

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind but now I see.
T’was grace that taught my heart to fear,
and grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear,
The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
I have already come.
T’was grace that brought me
safe thus far,
and grace will lead me home.
When we’ve been there
ten thousand years,
bright shining as the sun.
We’ve all days to sing God’s praise, Than when we first begun.

“Obedience to the Father is obedience to Jesus and the Holy Spirit.”